August 13, 2021 1 min read

One of the questions we are constantly receiving is about the popularity of silicone pipes bong and dab rigs. People wonder why silicone pipes are so popular over glass which is the traditional method of smoking. To sum it up simply, it's a combination of functionality, durability, and affordability. While there is a lot of cheap glass out there, high quality silicone can be had at a fraction of the price. On top of that, dropping a silicone bong on the floor or taking your dab rig to the beach is perfectly okay because they just don't shatter like glass does.


Smaller silicone pipes or silicone spoon pipes, are ideal for the fishermen on the go, the urban explorer, or just somebody who has clumsily dropped a pipe on the floor a few times.

For those of you who enjoy the taste of glass, along with the durability of silicone, we also make hybrid bongs and dab rigs that have glass inserts inside but are protected externally with durable flexible silicone.


Click on the silicone smoking collection to see our entire variety 
